Because you read this blog, we know you’re probably curious about the role of CAD and design software in manufacturing. We also know that you are very likely involved in product development, and that you have something important to contribute to the conversation.
That’s why we’re inviting you to take our new online survey, CAD Trends in Small to Medium-Sized Manufacturers. Answer a few questions, and help us uncover where CAD is moving companies forward, and where it could be holding them back.
In return, we’ll send you a pre-release copy of our findings. Plus, to sweeten the deal, we’ll also enter you in a drawing for an Apple iPad.
Anyone involved in the development and manufacturing process in any role can contribute. Individual surveys are confidential and identifying information about you will not be published. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete and will close on September 30, 2015.
Again, everyone who participates gets a pre-release copy of the final report findings. In addition, five survey respondents will be selected at random to each receive an Apple iPad. The drawing takes place on October 1st, 2015, and the five winners will be contacted directly via email.
Start the survey now, get your name in the upcoming drawing, and start living like the happy people you see in the videos